
Friday, August 19, 2011

Forbidden Secrets: Somewhere in the Middle

Somewhere in the Middle:

I don't know what it is about secrets (especially huge ones) that bring girls closer together but within a matter of weeks, Ally and I had become inseparable. I wasn't the only person to notice how quickly this happened, a lot of people thought it was kind of weird. Ally was part of a totally different clique than me; she was a gymnast and hung out with the other gymnasts. I, on the other hand, was more artsy; painting, theatre, guitar...etc; so naturally, our two cliques rarely associated. Well, we couldn't exactly tell people that we had bonded over the fact that Ally was secretly gay, so we settled for the alternative: since my family went to Ally's Dad's church, we just told people that's how we bonded. It must have been a good enough answer because people eventually got used to it.

I already had a crush on her before we became friends; so, naturally, my feelings intensified the more time I spent with her. Being the only out gay girl at my school, I wasn't exactly experienced with flirting and I was even worse at recognizing when someone was flirting with me. After three months of failed attempts at cluing me into how she felt, Ally got so frustrated with my obliviousness that she finally gave up being subtle and told me flat out that she wanted to be my girlfriend. And so began the sneaking around...

Even though I'm gay, don't get the wrong idea of me, I look the part of your perfectly stereotypical Church-girl. Long light brown hair, dresses, cardigans, sweet little heart shaped face with hazel eyes, if you didn't know, you wouldn't suspect anything. That's probably why Ally's parents accepted me as their favourite of all her friends. They invited me for dinner every other night and were always more than happy to let Ally eat at my house. They didn't suspect that all those times Ally tugged me from the room by my arm, we were sneaking in a kiss or two filled with the extra passion reserved specifically for those moments when you're doing something you know you're not supposed to.

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